Ricotta Gnocchi with Eggplant Sauce
Double-Choc Slices
Knowing me not well enough, I'm a bit of the cook who, if having too much fun, tends to be a bit lenient and careless and today, I did exactly that.
R came over to cook with me today. We've done our shopping and all and decided to do Ricotta Gnocchi with Eggplant Sauce.

Look at the picture. What do you think is missing in those nicely fork-decorated gnocchi?
Any guesses?
How about egg?
Exactly that. Egg! Of all things to forget when you're making pasta, it just had to be egg! After the first batch was slowly boiling away, my eye sharply caught the image of the egg, sitting innocently underneath the shade of the bright red apples and the long trunks of the bananas.Uh-oh.
I looked over at R and asked her to look at the recipe to see where the egg comes in, because I was sure that it had to be part of it. She said that we were meant to put the egg in with the gnocchi mixture. Oh.My.Gosh.
After laughing for about 5 minutes and wallowing in self-pity for 20 minutes did both of us realise that we were not cut for the culinary world.
But, as Sir Lambs-a-lot once said (paraphrased of course), "you should never give up, no matter how stuffed up!"
She ate a gnocchi and it tasted funny. I shook my head in disbelief and my heart sank down to my lungs. Read the recipe properly next time!
Oh well, looked good anyway. Except for the sexiness of the sauce. It needed more.
Double-Choc Slices
After our minor setback, we came back Roger Federer way and made the sweetest and scrumptious Double-choc slice ever! Though I have to admit that we needed more of the crushed biscuit since Cadbury chocolate pretty much overpowers anything, including the fluoride in your teeth.
Mixed butter and sweetened condensed milk in a pan and poured it over the crushed biscuit then we melted the chocolate on a bowl over a pot of boiling water and used it as the chocolate top.
Dust some icing sugar there and Voila!
And since we're feeling a bit creative, we added some blueberries to make it look more model-like.
Just to let you know, the recipe for the ricotta gnocchi belongs to Isabella of Junior Masterchef from the Junior Masterchef Official Recipe Guide and the Double Choc-slice was the Women's Weekly Dessert book but tweaked by us.
"Bon Apetit!"
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