With dad being a keen gardener, I was ecstatic to find these seeds sitting comfortably on our bbq while I tried grabbing the ping pong ball, I embarrassingly didn't hit while the fam and I were having a little family sesh.
I'm really excited to see how they'll grow in the cold Melbourne Spring and the hot-as-ever Summer, but I'm sure that they'll be blooming in no-time! Not a gardener at heart or much of an outdoorsy and hands-on type of person unless you're talking about computers or sports, I will try my very best to go out once in a while and see the progress of these young seedlings and help out with some watering or two.
I'm already excited of the things I could make with them! But what makes it even more exciting is that when the seeds have gorgeously turned into their supposed vegetable or herb, there's no need for me to wait a good couple of days before we go grocery shopping or opt for the packet ones! All I need to do is to have a little walk outside, breathe in the fresh Spring air and pick out the best ones.
Spring onions for some nice steamed fish, tomatoes for some home made pizza sauce and parsley for anything, really! Radish... I'm still thinking of what to do with them but I'm sure mum or dad (who's a good cook himself) would have something up their sleeve.
Fresh is best. Soon, I shall recommend growing some basil too.
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